A young girl has just discovered she has Juvenile Degenerative Rheumatoid Arthritis. As an active gymnast, the news tears her world apart. Or does it?
There seems to be a belief among the writers of children's stories that denies real life conflicts exist and imagines all stories having happy endings. I am not a believer that you need to hit children between the eyes with the vivid truth, but you do not want to keep certain truths from them either. This story is taken from the drama of real life. Not only will it teach character, it will also challenge young and old alike to think outside of their existence.
Format: eBook Download
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Walkout is a story of how God uses those who listen to His voice to tell the love story of grace, mercy, redeeming love, and passion for his children. Those who are being called to walk in clear, uncompromising discernment and have watched the stars of religion fall, struggling with becoming critical and keeping their focus on the cross will find this story thought provoking.
Using a plot woven with characters to whom anyone can relate this is a book that not only entertains but truly makes a reader stop and think about their own heart and motives.
Format: Paperback and eBook Download
To learn more or purchase, click here.